
The prices are for the use of the apartment per night, and they include breakfast, linen, the final cleaning, Wifi, laundry use, water, electricity and gas.

N° Person1*2*345
July, August, New Year’s Day, Easter80 €90 €100 €110 €120 €
June, September, April 25th, May 1st70 €80 €90 €100 €110 €
Other periods60 €70 €80 €90 €100 €


For stays shorter than 3 days: €10 per night per apartment per day;
extra cleaning: €20
Additional linen changes: €10
For additional beds in the apartments: €15 per bed
For pets in the apartment: €15 for the stay


* Up to 2 people, a €10 discount for those who stay in the studio apartment “La Rosa”; Children up to 3 years old are free.


Check-in: from 2pm to 7pm (please let us know by phone if you must arrive at a different time)
Check-out: by 10am


To finalize your booking, it is necessary to pay a 30% deposit of the total sum of your holiday. Payment can be made with a bank wire to:

Società Agricola Vaccarini s.s.
Via dell’industria, 86/88/90 – 60020 – Polverigi (AN)
IBAN: IT 46 P 02008 37221 000005310680